Saturday, February 23, 2008

Indoor Nationals (The Good, Bad and Ugly)

Well some of you might be a little confused by the title to this blog. But it's how I felt after day 1 of running the 400 meters. Please let me go into more details....
I had purchased my ticket to attend the meet in Boston to leave on Friday morning at 7:40am arriving in Boston at 10:50am. Mother Nature was not very nice, she brought tons of snow, ice and horrible conditions. After getting up at 4am on Friday morning to head to the airport, I was hoping for a miracle.

Soon as I arrived at the ticket counter I saw CANCELED. The flight was rescheduled to go at 10:50am, seeing this made me think I had hope. This small change was just a taste of what my day would consist of! To make the story short after trying to check in at 10:00am, I once again saw CANCELLED. The whole day I was rescheduled to five other flights...after begging and pleading to the Delta customer service. But here's the kicker, all the 5 flights were cancelled one after another. Finally the airline made an announcement that NO FLIGHTS TO BOSTON OR NEW YORK for the rest of the day, or even the next day. I explained to them that I had a meet to get to and please whatever they could do...please get me there. I was tired, mad, hungry and just wanted to get on a plane!

After being rejected several times and being told ma'am there is nothing we can do, but put you on standby with 50 other people. I did not know what to do...I questioned should I just go home? Should I try to find a flight the next day and risk missing the first round on Saturday? I contacted the meet and they were aware of the cancelled flights. They told me to try another counter or different person.

Luck finally came my way, I tried one more individual and he answered my prayer, by this time it was 4:30pm.....that's right I slept, ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in the airport that day. He was able to get me on a flight to Manchester, NH at 7:40 arriving at 10:30pm. As soon as I would arrive I would have to find transportation to be taken to Boston in the terrible ice and snow for an 1 hour and 15 min ride.

Well folks, that is what I did. The flight worked out and I caught a cab and finally arrived to Boson at midnight and had to race the next day. I was happy with my time in the 400, because I had a lot going on the day before. I was able to not let it defeat me and make it to the next round. Now after the race I will take an ice bath, get some rest and prepare for the final. Please keep me in your prayers. I hope to have good news for you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What a Relief.....

Hey everyone,

I guess I can now say, what a relief! Thanks for all your concerns and prayers. I am still in a little bit of pain at times and the swelling has gone down tremedously. I took some time off from training (which was hard) and did rehab, now I am back!

Let's talk about some other good news, you all know that I help out at UC with the track team. Well this weekend is the All-Ohio Championship. The meet helps to determine who is the best team in Ohio. The goal is to have UC take home this victory, so best of luck to both the men and women. I wish thme well and best marks.

The workouts were brutal ranging from the killer 300's to the speedy 30's, my knee survived but I was very cautious as to how I landed and turned with my leg. I honestly feel good, not 100 percent but close enough for where I want to be right now. Anyway, who ever feels 100 percent on race day? I do plan on attending Indoor Nationals in Boston next weekend so stay tuned and watch me on TV if you get a chance. Check out See you all soon and God Bless!